Bad Day For Net Neutrality
In a modest victory for broadband providers, a highly anticipated bill in the U.S. Congress does not include specific rules saying that some Internet sites must not be favored over others.
I know this is the fiftieth time I've posted on this but net-neutrality is a big freaking deal and it effects us as much, if not more than HR 1606. We all need to educate ourselves on it and follow it and lobby on it, especially with Google slanting rightward. Major bloggers are letting this one slip by. And this is an issue that binds the Left and the Right! Educate yourselves. Contact your representatives.
I'm imploring you. We're going to get hosed if the broadband providers are allowed to charge tolls and create a two lane internet.
Here are some useful links:
Net Neutrality for the non-technical
Net Neutrality is Bad for You (an alternate viewpoint)
Worse Case scenario
Update: From a friends email, this is the kind of garbage we're up against.
I think we've been able to move foward because we were unregulated. It only becomes the 'goverment's' problem when they (the telco\carriers) start to regulate how network traffic flows and to whom at what speed.
digiblade, at 3/28/2006 09:05:00 PM
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